Thursday, July 28, 2011

Next Adventure...Dinosaur Land!

This summer I needed to have my children on a better schedule. I found an awesome website and found a way to reward my kids to do fun things. They had to earn tickets to go and do fun things. Here is the site I found the info on I loved that they could feel like they could earn a fun trip or even a snowie for helping around the house. It was also nice to motivate Tre to do some reading. Their big event in June was to earn enough tickets to go see the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. It was fun to see them get so excited to go!

This was a fun wall that was painted in the upper part of the museum. They had fun looking at it and of course I made them get a picture by it.
Dinosaur Roar!! They loved the little tunnel and wanted to show off their big ROARS!
I asked Landon to smile and this is what he did. A lady told me "she is such a good baby" Oh yes once again I get that response even when he is wearing all blue.
The boys loved digging in the sand. It was fun to see their faces when they would find dinosaur bones!

Landon is such a silly boy! He loves to pose for the camera.
Landon watching his big brother's dig for bones!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Catching up on our little adventures...

Okay so I won't be catching up on everything we have done just the adventures that stick out to me. My little guy who is three loves Trains. He has awoken from sleep making train horn sounds so yes he loves trains. I thought it would be nice to catch up on the times we have been in "Train Heaven"
Thomas the Train ride May 2011. My boys love this day. This year we made a chain to count down the days to Thomas.

Grandpa and Grandma White love watching Skyler's reaction to trains that they have made it a tradition to come see Thomas with us. Skyler and Grandpa love trains. In fact Grandpa's train that he got when he was three still works and so Skyler has Grandpa show off his train to him when we visit.
This year May 2011 Thomas the Train ride. I loved telling him that the day finally arrived to go see Thomas. You see after our ride in 2010 Skyler didn't stop talking about it. Every day he would say "is it time to go see Thomas" and I would have to break the bad news and say not till next year. Oh boy!

He is still in shock and loves to look out the window.
At this point he can't even believe he is on a train. I will have to post video of him dancing to the Thomas music.
Our first trip to Thomas the Train May 2010. Skyler was loving this day so much Just look at his little face and you know he is in love!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ten Years

Wow 10 yrs went by way fast! On July 20, 2001 Travis took me to the Salt Lake Temple to be sealed for Eternity. It was the most wonderful day! We dated on and off for four years. I am glad we decided we could stand being together forever! Okay that doesn't sound exciting but it has been the craziest and happiest of times. We feel very blessed every day. I am glad I married my best friend!

This is one of my most favorite pictures. I have always loved my Dad's smile and this just makes me smile!
These guys have been good friends to Travis for a very long time. Okay and great brothers too. Zack(the one with the yo yo) brought a little trike to the reception because he wanted to be a professional clown. Yes I am grateful for the trike because it made this picture fun. Zack is so fun to be around but he is not a professional clown.