Saturday, April 2, 2016

Service, an attribute of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Yes I know its been forever since I last posted but I am so glad I have this blog and hopefully this will get me started again to share our families experiences. I am attending Pathway through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am currently enrolled in Math and a Religion class. This semester in Religion we are taking Christ Like Attributes and applying what we read the the Scriptures and using a lot of prayer to become disciples of Christ. This time around I wanted to focus on Service and being Selfless. This has been so good for me and I have had some sweet experiences.
The Savior Jesus Christ is the best of example of loving and serving others. He walked this earth doing this and never turned anyone away. He truly loves everyone. As I studied about him in the scriptures we were assigned to read I knew this attribute would help me to be more like him and serve with all of my heart. We read one of my favorite accounts of the Savior Jesus Christ visiting the Americas. I felt so much love for him and that he loved the people so much he came to be with them for some time teaching them about the Gospel and Heavenly Father's plan.
Reading this account in 3 Nephi I truly knew I could do better to love everyone and especially start by serving my family with more love and to help others around me. I had at times complained out loud to have to make dinner or start the laundry and did things with a sad heart. So this is why I started working on being better at serving others. I knew at the end of this journey I wanted to help my sweet family and teach my boys that service is so important. Over the last couple of weeks I am happy to report that I have seen my 11 yr old son help people around us even if he didn't know who they are. This touched my heart so much. I could see the light of Christ in him and knew if I could do the same I would feel better about doing the little things for people.

I have truly listend after I have prayed to know what I should do for my friends and family to help them. Prayer is key in helping us to help others. I have a pretty big calling in my ward and I have been better at suggesting ways we can help the youth in their lives just because I have prayed to know what to do for them. I would have never known what to suggest unless I used prayer to guide me. I have not complained about things as much but to show my kids that they are important to me and I would do any thing for them. When I see a stranger I have not felt quick to judge but to realize they are just as important to our Heavenly Father as I am.
This last week I have been on the receiving end of service. How what a wonderful sight to see. I have been going through some tough news since this last Monday. I can see how others have the light of Christ to help me and my family. What a sweet blessing they have been to me. We talked about angels and I know I have earthly angels and heavenly angels watching out for me. I truly know this attribute was for me to come to understand who I am and what I need to do while on this earth. I will look to serve those around me more and to listened to that still small voice to help guide me. The church is so true.


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